
The large screen is the bottleneck OLED advantages and TFT Display Module Summary

OLED (Organic Light Emitting Diode), Chinese translated as organic light-emitting diodes, are widely used in mobile devices and even TV. It has a super-fast response speed and a slim advantage, and there is life and lack of support for large-size bottlenecks, in order to let their friends better understand and recognize OLED, Xiao Bian today its advantages and disadvantages are summarized as follows:OLED Module
● OLED's advantages
1, the thickness can be less than 1 mm, is only 1/3 of the LCD screen, and a lighter weight;
2, solid-state institutions, there is no liquid substances, seismic performance is better, not afraid to fall;
3, almost no viewing angle problems, even in great perspective viewing, the screen is still not distorted;
4, the response time is one-thousandth of the LCD display motion picture is absolutely no smear phenomenon;
5, good low temperature properties, even at minus 40 degrees, and the LCD can not be done;
6, the manufacturing process is simple, lower cost;Character LCD Display
7, higher luminous efficiency and lower energy consumption than LCD;
8 can be manufactured in different materials on the substrate, and can bend the flexible display can be made.
○ OLED shortcomings
1, life is usually only 5000 hours, lower than the LCD at least 10,000 hours of life;
2, can not be achieved large-size screen production is currently only available in portable digital products;
3, there is the problem of insufficient color purity, is not easy to show a bright, rich colors.

