
OLED oled modules What are the disadvantages?

OLED TV manufacturers do not offer, you can imagine it at around twice the price of LCD HDTV. Also, their availability is probably years later, you have to consider replacing the blue OLED only 14,000 hours of life (equivalent to 8 hours a day 5 years).OLED Display
You can not use this TV outdoors or in a brightly lit room, too light mask or dilute your television image. Also, long-term exposure under ultraviolet substantial damage to organic pixels, the formation of necrotic spot, the result can be bad results equivalent to no longer valuable second-hand car.
You may have heard OLED screen is less power consumption of environmentally friendly products, but not so. OLE screen image with a white background in the image to black power consumption of only 40% of the LCD; (Windows desktop, web pages, play the TV series House MD MD) OLD screen power consumption under normal circumstances three times.
Not yet become mainstream
We mixed the new OLED TV. Although they achieve unmatched picture quality, OLED TV is not yet universal access. Even involved in the research and development of Sony before the technology immature and only concentrate on LCD LED screen.
If your family to share a television set as day-to-day viewing purposes, you will exclude these expensive types. If you have special viewing room of movies and TV shows on a daily basis will not be more than five hours, the OLED TV was worth considering.TFT LCD Display

