
Analysis of OLED oled module color technology

Full-color display is an important symbol test whether the display is competitive in the market, so many full-color technology is also applied to the OLED display panel type typically have the following three: RGB pixel light independently, the light color conversion and color filter membrane (Color Filter).Graphic OLED Display
RGB pixel light independently
Independent light-emitting light-emitting material is the most color mode. It is the use of digital technology, the precision of the metal shadow mask with a CCD pixel is first prepared red, green, and blue color emitting center, then adjust the blending ratio of the three color combinations to produce true color, the tri-color light emitting OLED element independent constitute a pixel. The key to this technology is to improve the color purity and luminous efficiency of the luminescent material, while the metal mask etching technology is also crucial.
At present, the luminescent materials AlQ3 of small organic molecules is the green light-emitting sub-sub-a material, its green color purity, luminous efficiency and stability are very good. Best red light-emitting small molecule OLED materials luminous efficiency of only 31mW, 10,000 hours life, the development of blue light-emitting small molecule materials is very slow and very difficult. The biggest bottleneck faced by small organic molecules emitting material is red and blue material purity, efficiency and life. To a main light-emitting material doped to obtain color purity, light emission efficiency and stability are better blue and red.OLEDs
The advantages of the polymer light emitting material can be chemically modified to adjust its emission wavelength, now covering the entire visible range from blue to green to red color, but its life expectancy is only one-tenth of the small molecule light emitting material, polymers, light emitting efficiency and life of the light emitting material are to be improved. Continue to develop the excellent performance of the light-emitting materials should be an arduous and long-term issues of material development workers.
With OLED display color, high resolution and a large area, the metal mask etching technology directly affects the quality of the display panel screen, so more st

